Company Profile
With the Aim of providing a quality product, which will yield results on par if not better, with the products prevalent in the marketplace, make available to the farmer a cost effective, Non-Hazardous(Herbal) alternative to all Synthetic Chemicals (Poisons in other words) Pesticides and Insecticides etc, Mridgandha Grinovetors started its operation from Dec 2010.
Following are the persons responsible for taking up this challenge.
Dr.Phanindra -
Phanindra, himself a diehard farmer and Agromomist par excellence, is in the field of Agro-product Formulation for last 20 years or so. Being a farmer, he understands the problems faced by the farmers firsthand and hence is in a better position to answer these problems. A trained agronomist, having worked with a MNC for a year in the beginning of his career, he decided to dedicate the knowledge gained through college, experience and life to the most neglected area of our Economy, the farming.
He is looking after the R and D and Quality aspects of the business.
Shripad -
Shripad is a trained Food Technologist having a working experience in Food processing Industry (particularly processing of agro based inputs) from MNCs to Home grown companies, which were ahead of its times. He has handled apart from Food processing operations, the supply chain, which is a key area in today's scenario.
He is a Six Sigma Trainer, Consultant to various firms on Quality Management Systems, Productivity Improvement and Process Re-Engineering.
He is looking after the Operations, Administration and Marketing side of the business.
Nilesh -
A farmer by birth and having worked for last 18 years in the field of Agro-Marketing, Nilesh is well versed with requirements and needs of the Agriculture market.One can say, he has acquired these sales and marketing skills from the battlefield itself.
He is heading the Sales Side of the business.