Krumikill-Nematode Controller
Krumikill is a biological product derived from a combination of natural resources used for the control of melaodogaini and other nematodes that create cysts on plant roots, hampering the plant growth. It also helps in the effective control of white grub. Krumikill helps in the synthesis of Nitrogen thereby keeping the plants green and healthy.
Grapes, Pomegranate, Chillies, Cotton, Paddy, Vegetables, Fruit and Flower plants.
@2.00 ml per litre of water through drenching or near the root zone.
Safety Precaution:
Keep out of reach of children. Store in a cool dry place away from open flame and sunlight. Avoid spraying during hot periods of the day.
Since the use of this product is beyond our control we can not assume any responsibility other than the uniform quality of the product. SHAKE WELL BEFORE USE. FOR AGRICULTURAL USE ONLY. NOT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION..
Available in packing:
500 ml
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